the Missing Peace in Your Life
Life Changing Sessions and Workshops

the Missing Peace in Your Life
Life Changing Sessions and Workshops

“Transforming miracles from Your imagination into the reality of your everyday world”
Beverly Lenz RN, MS
Founder, Teacher, Author

Transformation Expert
Would you like to be happier, healthier, and more prosperous in life?
What if you could have it all?
What would you do if you are truly limited ONLY by your beliefs?
If your life is based on what you believe, what if what you believe is wrong?
Are you sabotaging your success?
Beverly has developed an amazing personal growth technique (utilizing cutting-edge science called Cellular Memory Transformation). This modality communicates with the subconscious mind and quickly neutralizes traumatic memories, limiting beliefs and processes buried feelings at the cellular level resulting in rapid transformation in any area of one’s life.
Belief Change Systems Inc. (BCS) transforms self-sabotaging beliefs into self-empowering ones at a cellular level to create your life the way you want it. Beverly Lenz founded Belief Change Systems, Inc. with over 20 years of research and clinical experience.
Sessions with Beverly
Please call Beverly Lenz at (760) 220-9262 or send an email to set up an appointment.
Sessions with Beverly
Please call Beverly Lenz at (760) 220-9262 or send an email to set up an appointment.
Power to Change co-authored by Beverly Lenz. This book will give you tools for Creating Positive Change.
Do you sometimes feel as if your life is spinning out of control because of constant and never-ending change?
Are you frustrated because you don't know how to make the changes you need and want so you can live the life you desire?
Have past experiences or traumas made you afraid to step into a new career, a nurturing relationship or a prosperous life?
Are you ready to create positive change for yourself in your life?
Would you appreciate the opportunity to learn from personal development experts where to get started?
This book has the Power to Change your life.
Woman Entrepreneur Extraordinaire is Co-Authored by Beverly Lenz. It is a comprehensive resource from top women entrepreneurs.
It is your guide for best practices, practical solutions and inspiration. Everything you need to establish and grow your ideal business.
The insight from these top experts will show you how to effectively run your business and achieve all the success you seek.
Order from Amazon or contact me for order details.
Beverly Lenz is a licensed provider of continuing education credits (CEU's) for California for nurses, therapists, and social workers.
Dates will be announced!
Inspire Transform Empower

Essential for Every Heart
Join Beverly Lenz for a day of fun experiencing conversations with your own heart. Hear what your heart has to say about your fears, hesitation, and other negative thoughts. Help yourself achieve joy, inner connection, and harmony.

CPR for Your Soul
Change Negative Thoughts and Feelings Into Positive OnesBeverly can help you stop cravings, PMS, and mood swings. Create and keep the ‘feel good’ energy that attracts what you want to create in your life.She developed this modality utilizing emotional acupressure points on the body to change negative emotions into positive ones easily and quickly. This is a tool to lift moods instantly for everyone. A wonderful tool for therapists and life coaches.

Take the Weight Off Your Mind
Come discover a cutting-edge, revolutionary technique to have freedom with food and to unleash the power within!