Meet Beverly

Beverly Lenz
Since 2003 Beverly has been developing and using belief change techniques which led her to establish Belief Change Systems Inc., a consulting to teach life-changing methods to individuals and/or groups through seminars and workshops She has developed her own unique cutting-edge process, Cellular Memory Transformation, to become a transformational expert by helping others change their mindset at a cellular level quickly and easily. Her acclaimed classes, workshops and newsletters have made her a sought-after speaker and mentor for individuals, groups and companies.
She has significant experience as a liaison with community agencies and groups to help promote a better understanding of the benefits of the mind-body connection, focusing on health issues, addictions, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and mind-body disorders. Beverly is a California certified provider of CEU credit courses for therapists, social workers and nurses.
Educational Background
Beverly has been a registered nurse for over 25 years. She finished her bachelor of science degree in nursing and public health from California State University at Los Angeles and a master of science degree in management from LaVerne University (Cal Poly).

Beverly has an extensive background in psychology, with several years in psychological settings from psychiatric facilities to rehabilitation units. She has been part of a child and adolescent program called Grief busters, which helps children and their families cope with grief and loss, at home and in the schools. She has extensive counseling skills utilized in group settings with families and couples and one-on-one interaction. Her unparalleled process helps release post-traumatic stress disorder effortlessly. She has worked with veterans and victims of violent crime (Las Vegas Massacre).
She is trained in crisis intervention and taught suicide awareness in high schools and middle schools.
She has been a CAADAC Program Instructor teaching Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselors in California community colleges and on the faculty of The Mind Institute.
Business and Management Background
Beverly has a comprehensive business and management background. She has two successful companies (including BCS), with extensive international travel. She has broad experience in hospital administration and has managed a staff of over 1,000.
Beverly develops programs and implements employee education for individual empowerment, team building, increasing productivity, enhancing sales, and preparing businesses for change.
Personal Life
Beverly is happily married, with a step-daughter and three grandchildren, and two territorial cats. Beverly enjoys travel, playing tennis and golf, cooking, and entertaining.